Simon joined as a Trustee in June 2014. He has a varied background in manufacturing, mining and building materials in four different countries, but is now settled in north Derbyshire with his family.

He confesses that becoming a Trustee of a rural charity he felt like a fish out of water, having had a suburban childhood and city-based working life until his mid-40s.

This hasn't stopped him embracing the rurality of Derbyshire so that outside work Simon is most likely found clad in some man-made fibre cycling and running (up hill and down dale) and swimming in any pool, river, lake or sea he can find (not much sea in Derbyshire however). Simon is a patron and member of the jury at the Sheffield Adventure Film Festival (ShAFF).

Simon brings a great deal of business experience to the RAD Board table. He was elected Vice-Chair in 2016 and has been involved in helping to shape the oil buying scheme and work with staff and other trustees with strategic and sustainable planning ideas. He says, "I am very pleased to have the chance to support the RAD team to tackle rural disadvantage throughout Derbyshire."